Monday, November 17, 2008

"These are a few of my favorite things" - He Is Legend, Do you think I am pretty?

Movies - 1. Goodfellas, 2. Godfather, 3. Shawshank Redemption, 4. Casino Royale, 5. The Dark Knight, 6. Spiderman 2, 7. Raging Bull, 8. Anchorman, 9. Forgetting Sarah Marshall, 10. 40-year old virgin

Music(right now) - 1. August Burns Red, 2. He Is Legend, 3. Maylene and the Sons of Disaster, 4. Brand New, 5. Sky Eats Airplane, 6. Greeley Estates, 7. Norma Jean, 8. Oh, Sleeper, 9. U2, 10. I'll Beat You Up

Songs(right now) - 1. Redemption - August Burns Red, 2. Politik - Coldplay, 3. Jesus Christ - Brand New, 4. The Greatest Actor Alive - He Is Legend, 5. Let The Evil Go East - Greeley Estates, 6. Chorus of Angels - Haste the Day, 7. Vices Like Vipers - Oh, Sleeper, 8. The Hound - Coheed and Cambria, 9. Memphis Will Be Laid To Waste - Norma Jean, 10. One - U2

TV - 1. The Office, 2. Heroes, 3. South Park, 4. Sportscenter, 5. Mythbusters, 6. Lost, 7. Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job, 8. World Series of Poker, 9. Food Network, 10. American Idol(auditions)

This is me....

For those of you that don't know me, my name is Tom Gill (not Tommy...). I am a student at Winthrop University studying Sport Management but I don't know what i want to do with that yet. I love the Green Bay Packers, the Chicago Cubs, UNC Tarheels, movies, poker, music, long walks on the beach, and arguing. I HATE the smell of burps and Duke. I was born in Cleveland, OH and lived there for two year, then moved to Hendersonville, NC where i lived for 12 years. I went to high school in Mauldin, SC and i have to admit it, I hated high school. That time was strange for me in that i had no real purposes and made no "life long relationships" that i heard so much about. When i came to Winthrop University, i had no idea what i was going to do for the next four year. I didn't know what crowd i was going to get into, luckly in the first few weeks of school, i found some friends who helped me get onto the right track.

I have one full-blood sibling, Allison and she is a photography major here at Winthrop. I also have 2 half siblings, John and Nikki, John is a cool guy, dont talk much because he lives in Indiana and he is a lot older than me. Nikki on the other hand, is a good person but has done some things that has really changed my opinion of her and long story short i havent talked to her in about 5-6 years. I have one grandparent left John Gill, but he is battling alzheimers and had to be moved to a retirement home so he wouldnt be a danger to himself anymore. It is really difficult to see a man who has been strong and stable my whole life become just a shell of what he was by this disease.

In terms of my spiritual background, its pretty much what you see is what you get. My family is Irish-Catholic (6 kids catholic! - Jim Gaffigan). When i was in elementary school, we would go to church and we somewhat involved with that church. But ever since then, we only went to the Christmas and Easter services, i don't really know why we stopped going, i guess at that age i was too young to care. Because we didnt go to church often, i went through middle and high school without knowing what God's love is. Coming to Winthrop i had no idea that i would have a "spiritual revival" and would become closer to God. I actually first started going to church and RUF as just a way to hang out with friends. I knew that if i went to church with them then i would get to hand out with them for the rest of the day, and when you dont have a car you kinda dont have a choice. So i would go to Elevation Church in Charlotte just for the social aspect, but after listening to Pastor Steven Furtick for a few weeks i started to really think and consider accepting God into my life. I am very thankfull for my friends here at Winthrop because without them i have no idea what place God would have in my life.

So thats pretty much it for my background, im just an average guy with some faults just like everyone else. Hopefully you see that i am a normal guy and not someone who writes a blog just to get attention.